Yönetim kurulu beş asil ve beş yedek üyeden oluşur. Üyeler genel kurul tarafından seçilir. Yönetim kurulu, seçimden sonraki ilk toplantısında bir kararla görev bölüşümü yaparak başkan, başkan yardımcısı, sekreter, sayman ve üyeyi belirler.

The organization's Board of Directors comprises five primary members and five alternate members. They are all elected by the general assembly. After the election, the Board of Directors convenes its first meeting to decide on assigning responsibilities. The meeting also appoints the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and a member. The Audit Board is responsible for overseeing the organization's financial and operational aspects.

Board of Directors

  1. Rasin Düzceer (President)
  2. Fatih Kulaç (Vice President)
  3. Osman Aydoğdu (Secretary)
  4. Orkun Öztuna (Treasurer)
  5. Serkan Aksu (Member)

Audit Board

  1. Mustafa Toker (Toker Engineering)
  2. Osman Pekarun (Geobos)
  3. Selman Sezen (Temka)